Potentially Harmful Garden Plants

Some plants can cause serious poisoning if consumed or sometimes even touched. It is very uncommon in the UK to get such an adverse reaction but it is important to know what to do if a reaction occurs. The best advise is to always be aware of what is in your garden and how to react should a plant cause such a reaction.
With this in mind we have put together this page to help you understand what plants are in our products and how to deal with them.

Our top tips to avoid any harmful effects

  • If you are not sure about a plant, flower, seed or bulb, do not eat it.
  • Teach children about growing plants safely in the garden and good hygiene.
  • Always wear gloves when working in the garden. Keeping skin covered will help avoid skin irritation.
  • Bag up prunings and plants to avoid them being consumed or played with by pets and children.
  • When purchasing plants or seeds, always check the labels for toxicity warnings.
  • What are the hazards?

    Ingestion hazard (children are mostly at risk)
    Some plants can cause digestive upset or discomfort if eaten. A small of number common garden plants are more toxic and could cause severe poisoning (see plant list below).
    Contact hazard
    Sap from plants can be irritating and may cause a burning sensation. Skin which is sensitive to sunlight may become red on exposure to sap and may even blister. Anyone can be affected.

    What to do if a reaction is caused by ingestion or skin contact?

    If you think a child or adult has eaten part of a harmful plant, contact your doctor immediately or visit your hospital Accident & Emergency department. It is important to take a sample of the plant with you so that the medical staff can make an informed decision about treatment.
    DO NOT PANIC and DO NOT make the person sick.
    Always seek medical advice before applying creams or lotions to irritated skin.

    What to do if a pet shows signs of discomfort after ingesting or having contact with a plant?

    Seek veterinary advice if you think an animal has eaten a toxic plant.
    Take along samples of the plant you think the animal has had contact with.
    Here are some useful links in the event of an emergency with your pet.
  • RSPCA for dogs, cats and horses
  • Dogs Trust
  • International Cat Care
  • British Horse Society
  • Plants that and be potentially harmful to people in our products

    Spring Flowering

    Name Product Caution
    Hyacinth Found in spring grow gifts - Hyacinth Carnegie Trio Set Bulbs - skin irritant
    Scilla Siberica
    Found in 100 days of colour - Purple Collection Somewhat poisonous
    Found in 100 days of colour - Pastel Collection
    Found in 100 days of colour - Purple Collection
    Found in 100 days of colour - Sunrise Collection
    Found in 100 days of colour - Sunset Collection
    Found in outdoor grow set - Woodland Shades Grow Set
    Found in outdoor grow set - Pastel Shades Grow Set
    Bulbs - skin irritant

    Summer Flowering

    Name Product Caution
    Agrostemma - Corncockle Found in seed shaker tins - Wildflower mixture somewhat poisonous
    Anthurium - Snap Dragon colour mixture
    Found in gift seed novel - A Year In Bloom Poisonous, can cause skin & eye irritant
    Delphinium Found in gift seed novel - A Victorian Garden
    Found in seed shaker tins - Butterfly & Bee mixture
    Found in seed shaker tins - Vintage Blue mixture
    Digitalis - Foxglove Found in seed packets - Single Seed Packet
    Found in gift seed novel - A Victorian Garden
    Echium plantaginum - Little Bells Found in seed shaker tins - Vintage Blue mixture Skin irritant
    Ipomoea - Morning Glory Heavenly Blue Found in seed packets - Single Seed Packet
    Found in gift seed novel - A Language Of Flowers
    Found in gardeners starter kit - Heirloom Climbers
    Lobelia - Crystal Palace/ White Lady Found in gift planter - Milk Churn (summer planter) Can cause skin & eye irritation
    Lupinus Polyphyllus - Lupin Found in gift seed novel - A Victorian Garden
    Found in seed shaker tins - Butterfly & Bee mixture
    Found in seed shaker tins - Wildflower mixture
    Found in seed shaker tins - Scented Garden mixture
    Somewhat poisonous
    Papaver Somniferum - Poppy Danish Flag Found in seed packet - Single Seed Packet Poisonous
    Passiflora caerulea - Passion Flower Found in seed packets - Single Seed Packet
    Found in gardeners starter kit - Heirloom Climbers
    Somewhat poisonous
    Pastinaca sativa - Parsnip Found in gardeners gift trugs - Allotment Vegetable Collection Severe skin irritant in bright sunlight
    Mirabilis Jalapa - Four O'Clock Flower Found in seed shaker tins - Scented Garden mixture Poisonous and skin irritant

    Correct identification of plants is very important.

    Copyright © 2020 G Plants Ltd.