Agapanthus Blue

Growing Gift Set
Agapanthus Blue

Grow Set
Barcode: 5055128617390

Agapanthus Blue
Large outdoor planter contains 1 Agapanthus tuber size 3/5 eye, 1 coir block, & 1 bag of compost.
Height: 80cm
Plant Type: Perennial

  • prefers full sun
  • ideal for patio displays
  • scented flowers

Planting guide

A large frost-resistant basalt planter, ideal for growing on a patio to create an eye-catching display throughout the summer. Complete grow kit contains perennial root, growing medium and outdoor planter.
Agapanthus, also known as the African lily is an eye-catching summer flower, which produces large showy clusters of blue flowers and a deep green grassy foliage.
Ideal for brightening the dullest corner of the garden and will also attract butterflies throughout the summer months.

Plant outdoors from February to May.
Agapanthus will flower from July through to September.
1. Place coir block into a large waterproof container and add approx 850ml of water.
2. Allow the coir to absorb the water and add more water if needed.
Stir the coir to ensure all the water has been absorbed and there are no hard lumps.
This process may take up to 1 hour.
3. Once the coir has absorbed the water, fill the planter with the prepared coir.
4. Dig a hole in the centre of the planter approximately 10 cm deep.
5. Place the tuber in the hole and cover over.
6. Open the bag of compost and empty into the planter, ensuring that the coir is completely covered.
7. Firm down the compost and place in a sunny spot in the garden, ideally in a spot which is sheltered from the wind.
8. Continue to water regularly, do not let the compost dry out.
9. Await your overflowing display throughout the summer!

Be sure to water your planter frequently and generously.
Feed with a plant fertiliser containing potassium from early spring.
This will ensure good growth and an abundance of flowers throughout the summer.
Only dig up agapanthus if you really need to, they do not like to be disturbed and this can affect their future growth.

Once agapanthus start to die back in autumn, stop feeding them and water sparingly.
Allow them to die back naturally and keep at a temperature of 1-5°C. Agapanthus tubers are not frost hardy and although wrapping the planter securely in fleece may protect the tuber, we advise to store the planter in a frost free place such as a garage or a shed until the frosty conditions have passed.

Once new green foliage starts to appear in the spring the planter can be placed back into the garden but should be protected from frosty conditions.
Feed with a plant fertiliser containing potassium to give them a boost for the summer.

Further Information

Do not eat ornamental flowers or bulbs.
Some plants can be harmful if consumed or cause irritation if touched.
Always wear gloves when gardening and wash hands thoroughly when finished.
See our list of potentially harmful plants here.

Copyright © G Plants Ltd. 2021